Telltale's Michonne DLC for the most part is a generic fare with its villains having very little nuance to them making them straight up evil and many side characters have very little development even when they're present during all three episodes (depending on your playthrough).

However, I feel as of Telltale's main goal was to introduce and develop Michonne into TWD universe and with that I think the game/add-on succeeds as it shows off Michonne doing what Michonne does best: being an absolute badass accompanied with some pretty great action sequences even if the QTEs can sometimes slow them down.

The add-on is also unafraid to get dark, violent, gruesome and gritty much more than the original game if I remember correctly. For me I see it as an embodiment of the survivors guilt Michonne has and how she is stuck in a perpetual cycle of violence, loss and tragedy whilst never getting killed herself. It shows how unrelenting the new world is particularly to Michonne.

Overall, Telltale's Michonne is a decent fare that for me was much better at getting me interested than 400 Days and it's short runtime for each episode means that the DLC never overstays its welcome. Plus it finally means I've gotten platinum for TWD: The Telltale Definitive Series.

Reviewed on Dec 22, 2022
