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A very strong first half and several very strong mechanics dragged down by a poor translation and a messy second half.
- Positives: Skill system and Dragon Genes make battle very customizable; worldbuilding and exposition of the first half are very strong; field abilities are always a fun addition in my opinion
- Negatives: Second half loses focus very quickly, with no real antagonist until the last second and confusing, vague directions (occasionally mistranslated to the point where they aren't directions); field abilities lead player toward "optimal" party that happens to also be the most effective in combat, making the other party members feel pointless at best and annoying at worst when you fight through countless random battles to get to an area that you need to progress through but don't have the correct party for (requiring the player to run to the exit and reorganize).

The end of the game also comes very quickly after the most tedious, glaringly mistranslated, and annoying part of the game (the Desert of Death).

I just wish the game had done more to foreshadow Teepo, though I do appreciate the way he was used. I would have dropped hints throughout the adult segment that a few people have sighted another dragon, though nobody knows where it's heading or who it is; don't let the player know who it is until the end, but give some intrigue, because when he just appears without any warning it feels like the devs just ran out of time (though they very well could have)

Reviewed on Mar 11, 2023
