When a specific part of Majima's story started, and that one character appeared, I knew this is different. I knew it was special. Never have i cared about a character in video game more, and sometimes i wonder why this character managed to connect with me so much - and i cant answer that for sure, but i suspect its bc she's telling the story of many, many women out there, many girls that are forgotten and almost never talked about. In a way, that section is very realistic and painful depiction and take on what its trying to tell, and i don't know how many people, while playing this game, realized that and actually thought about that. But i know i did.

I often consider myself forgetful and having a bad memory, having hard time recalling the vast majority of stuff i seen in video games, but for that story in the game, which isn't even the main story, i remember almost every part of, and if i think about it too hard, i want to cry with her, just like the first time i experienced it - and this is the biggest compliment i can give a story.

So, Yakuza 0 is a great game, for many many different reasons, but for me it will always be that one game that made me cry for the first time from a game <3

Reviewed on Feb 12, 2024
