I finished this 35+ hour game in 3 days, do you really need to know anything more?
Truthfully, all the annoyances I have with DRV3 all get dwarfed by the fact that like DR1, V3 is super intriguing from (almost) the beginning, and have superb pacing all the way through. I never felt like its wasting my time, and i was always interested in learning more, even if some points were weaker than others. In usual Danganronpa fashion, the game masters the balance between being dark & sad and funny & silly to create a unique atmosphere that (to me, so far) is bar-none, accompanied by fun designs and Fantastic OST (Seriously, cant praise it enough - especially the noise tracks)

So yeah, Some of the jokes are just too much, Angie was really annoying, Case 3 ended in a weird way and I didn't like the ending, though its really close to an ending i would have loved (which makes it even sadder), it has too much loading screens and some of the mini-game are just plain stupid -But the last time i was this hooked on a piece of media all the way through was.. exactly one year ago, when i first played Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc.

Goodbye Danganronpa! (.... At least until Kodaka's new game is out :3 )

Reviewed on Jul 06, 2024
