The best thing about Strider's 2014 reboot is that it retains and builds on the excellent way Strider controlled in Strider 2. Whether it's slashing, sliding or climbing, it all feels smooth here and the new additions to Striders kit like being able to dash, slash in 8 directions and charge your blade are all welcome additions. The bosses are also a high point of the game, with the best ones really encouraging the player to get to grips with Strider's moveset. Majority of the bosses are easier than I'd like them to be though.

Strider being so enjoyable to use makes traversing the environments extremely fun, even if the environments themselves are very bland. They're all gray and look identical, this would make backtracking a nightmare considering this game is a Metroidvania, but the game sports an excellent map feature so you never get lost.

On the topic of being a Metroidvania, the game doesn't do a good job at being one since it doesn't encourage exploration. That's because whenever you go out of your way to explore, all you usually get is concept art, story intel or the occasional alternate costume (which is just a palette swap).

If you play this like a sidescroller, then I think there's a lot of fun to be had here. If you play this like a Metroidvania, then the game feels pretty shallow, but even with that said, I had a good time with it.

Reviewed on Apr 04, 2023
