This is game 16/71 of my backlog.

Yeah this was pretty fun, i never actually got to beat this game as a kid, because i was pretty dumb, to make up for that i decided to beat the game in hardcore, which took me around 10 attempts, but i got there, slow and steady works well, around 40 in-game days.

early game is the same as i remember, but because of the way i decided to play, mid-game is like, a town sim game lmao, villager trading was too busted not to take advantage off.

as for the end... the boss fight itself was pretty easy, ender dragon's biggest threat is his knockback, also a shield with him might as well be useless. the thing you gotta fear the most is the endermen, one of them by itself got me to 2 hearts.

oh and... the end poem is beautiful

Reviewed on Jan 31, 2024
