this is game 7/71 of my backlog!

i finally beat this, damn, feels weird
cry of fear is kind of insane in the fact that, it exists, a beautifully made horror game, in the goldsource engine, made by like what 8 people? for free??

this game is good, very good. For the engine? beautiful, masterful use of it's limitations and even goes a little beyond at times, i'll never forget the lake near the end or the maze of arms

the game is mean, but it's a good attitude for a horror game to have, it shouldn't just be spooky, it needs to be threatening "i don't WANT to leave my heals behind to take this key, but... i don't have a choice" giving players the illusion of choice is a great design decision in a horror game because it leads to more anxiety

if anything i wish the game was a little more selective with it's enemy placements, but overall it wasn't that bad at all

the story is also... well, i'm not gonna get into details but, it is something close to me, i'll probably have to go through something similar to what simon goes through eventually so, it's good to have a clear view of how i should approach it, stories matter a lot to me and this is a good story.

this game deserves a remake, from the ground up, fixing the little issues that it currently has like lack of customizable resolutions, and whatnot

overall a masterpiece and an amazing showing of what a small passionate team can put out, this was better than a lot of other things i've played, very spooky.

Reviewed on Jul 29, 2023


10 months ago

@Colourfull hey, i saw you followed me and that we have played a lot of the same games, wanna chat? my discord is deeecisive

10 months ago

@Decisive heya, sorry for long waiting. we can chat from discord. here's the username; colourfull_