this is game 10/71 out of my backlog, and boy, what a game to get to double digits with

i'll be talking about each chapter seperately, except for one and two which i'll group together because they feel as similar

so, knee deep in the dead and the shores of hell, are both amazing, this is DOOM, i get it, the music is great, it's a classic, shit, i didn't even care that this game is so old i can't look up and down, running is fast, your shotgun is strong, and these demons are meant to be gibbed, doomguy's expressions and just general gameplay really do make you feel like a powerhouse, not saying that the game is braindead though, the level design is actually very intricate and requires at least enough thought to the point where you are thinking but not to the point where you're stressing out, so, really it's just amazing

inferno, the third chapter, is garbage. the first level is not too bad, but everything after it is, it's mazes on top of mazes, with extremely confusing and disorientating layouts, i didn't have to look a walkthrough for any of the rest of the game, but i HAD to three times here, it really does not respect the player's time at all, the difficulty itself isn't too bad, i just don't like running around a map that's empty because i already killed everything

now for thy flesh consumed, it's ok, it's not AS good as episodes 1 and 2, but it's nowhere NEAR as bad as episode 3, it has pretty serviceable level design, feels nice to play on, though the ending was a bit anti-climatic, i know there WAS a boss fight but i was kinda hoping to kill satan or something, oh well.

overall, doom is at it's best when you're blasting through levels at lightning speed while obliterating every demon with your arsenal of weapons, all of which i felt were useful, except for the gatling gun and pistol, both of which just, never seemed to do enough damage somehow

oh, also, hitscan enemies are annoying, that's all

Reviewed on Aug 11, 2023
