In a rush? Don't worry, I gotchu'!

What Works:
Enchanting Story: Explores existential themes wrapped in a charming narrative about a candle's quest for meaning.
Unique Time Mechanic: Leverages the protagonist's burning nature to create a ticking clock mechanic without excessive pressure.
Visually Diverse Levels: Explores a variety of environments from forests to ships, keeping things visually interesting.
Perfect for Short Bursts: Short levels make it ideal for portable gaming on the Nintendo Switch.

What Doesn't:
Limited Gameplay Depth: Simple mechanics and puzzles might not appeal to players seeking a deeper challenge.
"What You See is What You Get" Experience: Offers a charming but potentially shallow experience for those who crave complexity.

🌌 Embracing the Light

When all seems consumed by vast darkness, with no sign of improvement, a radiant light will always appear at the end of the tunnel. This is the heart of Candleman, an action-adventure game with small puzzles, rooted in the simple structures of each level, developed by Spotlightor Interactive and published by indienova on the Nintendo Switch.

🎇 A Luminous Quest

Candleman’s brilliance, starring a small candle with legs of an unknown name, lies in its plot and the philosophy it carries. At the beginning of the adventure, the player takes control of the aforementioned object, heading towards an epic quest: the answer to his own existential question "why do I exist only to illuminate and then fade?". This question is narrated by a female voice, instead of our wax piece, while it takes note of its reflection in a mirror. After wandering through the prologue, the main character faces an intense glow, coming from a lighthouse, which encourages him to be someone he is not. With this purpose engraved in his conscience, the unlikely hero moves forward, not only towards the lighthouse he so idolizes, but also towards the answer that awaits him at the end of the journey. Therefore, a great part of Candleman's charm lies in its story, transmitted to the player through various cinematic expositions, both at the beginning and at the end of each section, narrating the feelings and thoughts of the adorable protagonist. It is also important to outline another aspect, intelligently written, about the plot: each level is assigned a verse, paired with another upon completion of the secondary objective: lighting candles exposed in each level.

🕰️ A Race Against Time

Allied to this inherent charm is the title’s main mechanic. Since the protagonist is a candle, it’s natural to assume it burns. However, this concept works against the clock, as it is only possible to spread light for ten consecutive seconds. A candle, after all, burns according to the amount of wax available. However, this limit imposed on the player is of little consequence. Each level’s structure is designed so that the dance between light and darkness never negatively impacts progress, resulting in a much more relaxed gameplay session than expected in the genre. Thus, the challenge is to use the flame as needed, together with the puzzles of each level.

🎨 A Palette of Worlds

Variety is also a quality not lacking in Candleman's progress. Each of the twelve stages has its own theme: forests and lakes full of magic, wooden and metal interiors of a ship, granite and stone buildings, etc. This wide range greatly compliments the visual experience, making the candle's quest a much less boring matter. In addition, each stage has four, five or even six journeys, of very short duration, which enhances the inherent portability aspect of the Nintendo Switch. A perfect title to start and make significant progress in just five or ten minutes of gameplay.

🕯️ A Flicker in the Dark

There exist video games that capture the player's attention for being so simple, and Candleman is no exception. With a charming presentation and a varied range of levels, the charm of a story about a candle that seeks its purpose is undeniable and even irresistible. However, for all that has been said positively, it’s a video game true to the saying “what you see is what you get”.

🌟 M I S C 🌟

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◻️ ⚠️ Review originally written for FNintendo (defunct website) and published on October 16th, 2019.
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◻️ ✍️ Reviewed in European Portuguese.
◻️ 📜 Review Number 002


Reviewed on May 16, 2024
