Log Status






Time Played

3h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 29, 2020

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


The gameplay in this is a solid improvement on Overture, however it was a completely underwhelming ending to all of the mysteries built up previously. The one thing this game had going for it (the great atmosphere) is completely destroyed by a ridiculously annoying, constantly talking invisible "companion" who serves absolutely no purpose in the story by the end. His dialogue tries to be witty, and I think he was intended to be comedic-relief but is never funny (which wouldn't really change much anyway) and is usually just constantly insulting and prodding you. It is impossible to enjoy the positive aspects of this game with Clarence talking non-stop. The puzzles are still mostly a slog, but enemy design is better than the first game in many ways. The graphics and controls are noticeable improvement as well, and it's starting to feel a lot closer to Amnesia, but all in all it was still just an absolute waste of great ideas in of itself. I'm really happy that Frictional took things in the right direction after this game and developed their formula with all positives and negatives of Penumbra in mind.