Rhythm Heaven Series, Ranked

I think that the fact this is the first ranking of a videogame series where I can say that all of the games are great is a testiment of the quality of this franchise. Rhythm Heaven is beyong amazing, and finally expiriencing everything it has to offer made that fact even clearer; fun, charming, creative, you name it, these games have it. It also helps that almost every tune in every single entry is amazing and to this day I consintently listen to ''That's Paradise'', Tonight and even Megamix's Final Remix.

Whether is Heaven or Paradise, I belive that everyone should try at least one of the games during their life time, it's one of those experiences that no other piece of media, not even on the videogame medium, can replicate. It also helps that any of these aren't particurally long, and while they can be challenging sometimes, it's the type of challenge that makes you want to keep triying till you get the rhythm just right.

And with all that said, here they are, from best to worst:

When the weakest of the games is the first one to ever be released and it's still a pretty good game, you know that we have a quality gold mine on our hands.

Despite its problems, I couldn't think of a better start for the series, and again, you can read my thoughts of it right here.
Megamix is not the first game that many people would think of when the name of the series is brought up, and many less would consider it their favorite, but I cannot see it as anything other than the culmination of everything the series stands for, and it's a fantastic compilation of the series' best hits as much as it is a great game on its own rights.

I think this is one of the games that I beat before I joined the site that need a review the most, since many of the elements that a lot consider problematic or not that great are the reasons that make Megamix even more special to my eyes, and I think that grants and explanation from my part.

For now, just know that I adore this game like I do with so many others, and even if it's sad that series went dormant after its release, it went out with one hell of a bang, a game deserving to be called a mega mix.
Like DS, I said everything I had to in my review of it here, but yeah, is as good as everyone has said. Easily one of the best games in a console with honestly a pretty good library, and the first one to go all out on the presentation department and to use the status as a console game to its fullest potential.

What an amazing and fun game, and it makes me sad that I didn't try it earlier.
To be completely honest, in pure objective terms, DS and Fever are pretty much on par quality wise, and there's an argument to be had that Fever is the better one, but I just don't see it that way.

DS is the most... itself in a series that's already so crazy and unique that I cannot bring myself to not love it so, so much; to me, the controls and collections of minigames is by far the best one out of all the first three, and it also has some absolute bangers.

But at this point I'm repeating myself, I already made a review of this game and you can check it out right here, I said pretty much I had to tell about it there, but the game deserves every bit of praise I can give it, it's fantastic.


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