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Time Played

0h 37m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

July 4, 2023

Platforms Played


If you are wondering, I gave up at the atomic numbers rule. I'm weak and I remain defeated, I just couldn't do it, I barely know what a Fe even is, my brain can't keep up!

It's difficult to be really critical of a game that is designed to be as absurd and overly difficult as it can be; when the game is all about the astronomical challenge it poses and be a game that most will never beat, it feels a bit dumb to criticize it for being exactly that... that doesn't stop me from doing it anyway!

There are some rules that genuinely funny or really interesting, some are based around general knowledge or just searching a bit on the internet, going to other web-sites like Wordle or one that I didn't even get to experience like feeding a emoji chicken with emoji worms every three minutes. These little annoyances pile up, but I couldn't do anything but smile at first; sure, they are incredibly stupid rules, but also clever and all of them feel like puzzle pieces you have to fit with each other as they appear, and it's incredibly satisfying to find the perfect ways to make several rules click... but yeah then it gets dumb.

The moment I had to start changing the captcha to find one that wouldn't screw up the new and past rules, I know that this game had officially transitioned from an interesting puzzle game to a le troll game, and yeah, seeing what comes after and the rules that I didn't get to see, that seems to be the case. The fact that the game basically mandates to change parts of the password isn't a problem at first and it seems like it adds an interesting layer to the challenge and math problems it presents, but it reaches a point of no return where it becomes an absolute shit-show with the amount of things you have to keep track of, and it just becomes a frustrating, infuriating mess with moments reminiscent of the troll games of old that isn't fun in the slightest... but the problem is that THAT is exactly what the game is going for!

At first is stupid, the is just dumb, but it's always clever; the game is going for a very specific thing, and as much has been stating by the developer, and in that way is a success; I don't know if I would necessarily call it ''genius'', but it reaches a point of tom-fuckery clearly intended that I do appreciate, even if I cannot enjoy it in the slightest.

For me, if I had to give it a mark, it would be a exact 5/10, but it's hard to even give at a rating not because I'd be embarrassed to say the game defeated me or something like that (mainly because I have no problem saying it both kicked my ass and brain), but because that would be missing the entire point of The Password Game. It's an incredibly dumb experience, but it looks like it has been scientifically designed to be that; I only enjoyed at times, it stumped me once it became absurd and I really don't know if I'd recommend it, but it did make me think in two ways, one while play it, and the other on how I could talk about it, so in an absurd way it does have value... which is fitting, not gonna lie.