It's even funnier the second time!... sometimes...

The Ratchelor may have been a simple web-browser dating sim parody but godDAMMIT was it fun; I enjoyed it quite a lot and found every single of the interactions with the rat-weirdos both adorable and charming. Looking back, the fact it was, and it still is, the first and only parody-dating-sim game I played probably was a big factor in me loving it, but that would also be taking a lot of the credit from it. This is the game where one of the rats is three lizards in a trench-coat like disguise and the best character by a long shot is a mole. AND IT STILL IS PEAK RAT GAMING HOURS.

Following that line, Season 2 is basically the exact same thing but with a completely new roster of rats, which is basically all I was expecting in a game called The Ratchelor Season 2, so in that sense I cannot complain at all… but I’m an annoying bastard and I’m gonna find something to rant about anyway!

Season 2 hits some of the same charming highs as the first one and in some cases it even surpasses the original’s funny factor, especially in the epilogues which some of them are now a riot, but at the same time, I kinda feel it has also lost most of the general impact the first one had; in the original Ratchelor, every single of the possible options for rat soul-mates is memorable and has at the very least one line that I found remarkably funny. Here, I’m struggling to think about characters that stuck out aside from the ghost, the funny ‘’EMPATH’’ guy and the epic unit that is Le Pix. Other than those, they are all… fine? Not bad, not particularly unfunny, but they also didn’t click or were as interestingly silly as the previous game’s faces, they were still silly, but not the special kind of silly, y’know?

Now I’m feeling like I’m speaking gibberish and like a downer, but I’m just trying to find the best way to say that this one just wasn’t as fun and entertaining as the previous one, and I’m also left with much less to say about it because of that.

It’s still a good time— I feel like the day a Ratchelor game feels like a waste of time will be the day hopes and dreams will die—, and I’m sure that most people that liked the original will find equal entertainment with this one, I just… I wasn’t expecting more, just maybe something a bit more creative and funnier with its interactions and dialogue.

Le Pix is still very much the GOAT of this game tho, I adore that fucking gremlin and no other rodent matches them in pure coolness… maybe Eggsalad…

Reviewed on May 27, 2024
