Finally, after about a year of leaving it halfway done, I can say that I've beaten Super Mario 64 and now one question remains, is it any go- I'm not even gonna try to make a joke out of this, is Super Fucking Mario 64, of course it's pretty good... tho it's obvious that it shows its age in some parts, and I do think it has a couple of flaws that bring it down.

The game's controls have aged like fine wine, Mario feels more responsive tha many main characters to this day, it's snapy, its moveset its just what you need to think outside the box and figure out how to work around the levels, it's genueily the best part of the game. The level design it's also pretty good... until it it isn't.

Halfway through some levels took a more linear approach, in contrast to the sandbox feeling that most in the beggining give off, and it just doesn't feel right, repeating the same part over and over for different stars just feels tiresome and repetitive. In some places it feels crammed, there are some genuely difficult parts and not in a fun way. The camera has also really showed its age, its servicable at best but a its worst is really... not good, exactly.

But the fact that the game holds up as well as it does it's a testiment to its legacy, at is best is fun as hell, and it's by far the most unique out of the main Mario's and a perfect transition to the 3D formula. However, at it's worst is really frustating to a more casual audience, I could put up with a lot of this if I was a kid, but now-a-days it can be REALLY painful at it's worst areas.

Still, I do not have nothing but respect to it, it changed the industry forever I still had a TON, and I mean a TON of with it, with its gameplay, its design, its ambience and music and how it really wants you to have fun with its mechanics. It's like a box of toys, some really excepcional, some clunky but endearing, but all really charming and full of love.

Reviewed on Mar 03, 2023


1 year ago

Replayed this about a year ago and thought I'd find some parts of it to have not aged well at all, and while I think your criticisms of it are true, I was never personally bothered by them. Then again, I am very sentimental for this game for very specific reasons so I'm probably biased. Good review!
I do think that this is one of those games that gets better and better the more you play it, or at the very least its problems become less prominent, so it's very possible that if I ever replay it I'll grow to appreciate it even more. Also, thank you so much for the nice words! :D

1 year ago

I remember when I was a kid I was horrified of browsers laugh when you walked into the castle and the whole main hub area just filled me with a sense of foreboding and dread. Great review, I really like how passionate you are about games <3
It's actually amazing how well the game pulls ambience in some places, the Bowser fights especially as you said, the final one is honestly a great send off to the whole adventure and the music it's freacking great in almost all of the levels. Thank you truly for the compliments! It truly means a lot and I really want to be thankful for it :).

1 year ago

Yeah the ambiance was really weird, and I'm not sure if it was on purpose but I definitely have never played a game that makes me feel the way I do with Mario 64. And it's no problem!! You're very nice (:
I agree, the last third is the worst part of the game imo. The more open earlier levels are way more fun