Perhaps I judged this one a bit too harshly. Recently I decided to try and platinum every Call of Duty game I could get my grubby lil mitts on and by the grace of God, PlayStation decided to make this one of the monthly free games. I own this on Xbox but never took the time to complete the campaign until now.

I was pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed Cold War's campaign. Especially after I realized this was a direct sequel to Black Ops 1. For some reason I thought this was a reboot similar to Modern Warfare 2019. Anyway the campaign was pretty good. I enjoyed almost all of what it had to offer. I will say the ending did feel a bit abrupt and underwhelming though.

I don't think I gave Cold War zombies enough credit when I played it initially. Having to get some zombies achievements for the platinum really reminded me of all the good CW zombies changed from the half baked disaster that was Black Ops 4 zombies. Being able to upgrade perks, weapon classes, and equipment add a ton of replayability. It also plays smooth as butter. And while I don't think most of the CW maps are very good, Die Maschine is probably one of the best starting maps in zombies history.

Multiplayer was great. I prestiged a couple times back when it first released. Definitely better than the likes of Vanguard, Ghosts, Advanced Warfare, Infinite Warfare and BO3.

Reviewed on Sep 20, 2023
