Thankfully I didn't experience any of the issues that the PC players experienced due to the fact that I played it on a PS5. So fortunately I had little to no issues in the 44 hours that I spent on this bad boy.

Jedi: Survivor is exactly what a sequel should be (minus all of the performance and technical issues that a lot of players are facing). Everything that Fallen Order did Survivor takes a couple steps further.

-The combat is better and expanded upon.
-Great new characters and great character work on returning ones.
-The plot and main antagonists I think are a lot stronger here as well.
-Good quality of life improvements across the board but most notably with exploration.
-Loads of new enemies on top of all the ones from the last game.
-Epic set pieces and moments that I feel like Fallen Order didn't really have, except for the final moments of the story and taking over the AT-AT on Kashyyyk.
-The locations are much more interesting than Fallen Order as well.

Survivor is just amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed every second I spent on this game. I feel for the gamers out there who aren't able to experience it right now. Hopefully they can resolve those issues soon.

10/10 would platinum again.

Reviewed on Sep 20, 2023
