This is worse than I remember. I don't remember the gunplay feeling this shitty. I don't know if it's the Classic Edition specifically, but man, aiming in this game just feels absolutely terrible. Which is a big fucking deal when that is all of your gameplay.

The world also feels much emptier than I remember. Besides some camps scattered throughout, it's pretty much just empty forests. Even most of the camps have just five guys or less sitting around and can be finished in under a minute. Boring and uninspired.

The story is certainly there. It definitely has characters, for sure. The only one worth mentioning is Vaas because he's just a crazy little guy, so that's fun. But he's really the only good thing about this game.

Getting jumped by random animals is kinda fun and scary. But again the gunplay feels like shit so even that aspect is ruined a little bit.

I'm kind of bummed because I remember enjoying this quite a bit as a kid, but I mean, what else did I expect from Far Cry of all franchises? Textbook definition of mid.

Reviewed on Nov 10, 2023
