this is easily my least favorite title in the series. I enjoyed my first few hours with it, but quickly fell off once I messed around with terraforming my island, which sounds weird, because with more creation tools and less limits you’d think it would be more fun. but it quickly became boring. It’s so otherworldly tedious and non streamlined. Some of these features feel like they’d fit right at home but the implementation is so bad I can’t even have a small amount of fun. I hit my wall a lot faster than most others did, but a common problem I saw was most people dropping off for similar reasons. I even attempted restarting my island just to start from scratch. it released with a real lack of content that should’ve been in there to begin with, and with it slowly being updated with features that were already present in new leaf, I felt like all they were capable of was recycling old ideas.
I wasn’t a fan of feeling isolated on an island in the middle of the sea. the vibe was off and it didn’t feel the same as you moving into an already bustling small town. As a fan (especially of new leaf) it didn’t really hit the way I’d hoped it would.
Villagers feel like more like set pieces than living creatures on your island. They have such one note dialogue

Reviewed on Apr 10, 2024
