Genuinely I think my absolute favorite RPG to ever exist and I have a connection with this game I cannot express in such a brief description. Shit slaps and god I love dad Nier so much.


When I originally played this game way way back I found it to be incredibly charming, if a bit janky and full of issues. Never the less however it was an interesting idea made by a developer with a lot of clear potential. For a game made by a single dev it's genuinely impressive at times and I would be way more willing to give it high praise and a general recommendation if so much of it didn't involve scavenging for items with no clear indication of what you're looking for.

All this said however it's still a stunning second project from a developer that I want to see more from, I like where his head is at, I like the ideas he puts into games, I just wish the ideal version of this game that exists in my head could exist in real life.

The game itself presents a lot of interesting ideas and often surpass the scope of its own developers ability. However interesting environments, fascinating settings, and a clear desire to say something more with its story make it quite an admirable experience. Is it for everybody? Absolutely not, but for me it's something I definitely enjoyed my time with.