Sometimes you go out of your comfort zone with a new game and discover something fresh you wouldn't have expected to enjoy. Other times your experience reinforces how violently you dislike something and makes you question why you even bothered. Animal Well was the latter for me. After wandering aimlessly to start I found myself in a multi-room puzzle that required some tricky platforming and switch flipping only to end up in a pitch-black room and died to a ceiling spike I didn't know was there or could even kill me. Discovering the last twenty minutes or so of progress had been lost and I would need to do this over again, I decided that was enough for me.

Does this make Animal Well a bad game? No. Is this an entirely fair critical analysis of the game? No. Was it sufficient enough to make me hate my time spent here and never want to pick this up again? Absolutely.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
