cracks open a Monster

This is a game about mowing lawns. There's also the occasional weed-wacking. You ain't driving fast cars, or fighting dragons, or building your fort knights. What you see on the title is what you get. If you go into this expecting anything else, you're going to be sorely disappointed.

But, if you're an actual boomer, or simply possess the dormant boomer gene, you'll likely find something of value here. If you have Game Pass, it's a no brainer to try this out. I would highly recommend waking up early on a Saturday morning to do so if you really want to get into the mood for some extreme grass-cutting. This can be a zen-like experience if you find yourself in the right state of mind.

Don't ask me about graphics or music or replay value or any of that nonsense. Just hop on your damn mower and get to work!

Reviewed on Mar 04, 2022
