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Time Played


Days in Journal

4 days

Last played

September 30, 2023

First played

September 20, 2023

Platforms Played


This was such a disappointment. I enjoyed Dragon Age Origins a lot but this game is just subpar in almost every way.

I'll talk about what I liked first. The very core combat itself is good. Its more flashier and faster than Origins combat which was appreciated. The soundtrack is also pretty good. I liked the 2D art used for the cutscenes. Varric is very entertaining. I do like the idea of having a fantasy game which is mostly set in one town

My praise will have to end here tho. The game is exceptionally and blatantly repetitive in area design. There are so many main quests where the area is just a copy paste that I was actually impressed that someone okayed this.

While the core combat itself is good its brought down by some very stupid design choices. The game just throws loads of enemies at the player with no attempts at making it feel realistic at all. Enemies will just teleport in out of nowhere rendering positioning just useless.

Controlling the party during combat feels much worse. The gameplay is still very similar to the real time with pause system of Origins but it seems that the devs wanted to make it look different. While you can pause and control other characters the game just does not let the player pick an isometric perspective which is just baffling.

In terms of story and choices its pretty much a fake RPG. I despise RPGs where the game gives some dialogue choices themed around some rigid morality categories and then the character says something else entirely. I hated it in Mass Effect and I hate it here.
There are also no real choices at all. Events will happen regardless of what you choose. There is no real branching of events.