This isn't the sort of game I generally play and I didn't really expect to enjoy it so I was pleasantly surprised

Looks and Sound
The pixel art is simply gorgeous. It's not as detailed as some popular pixel art games but I liked the style a lot and that is what matters the most to me. The weather effects and reflections particularly stand out. There are some nice effects like the crown moving up and down when the horse gallops or the animation that plays when the horse can't gallop anymore

The soundtrack was pretty good. I can't say that any of the tracks stood out to me but it fit well with the game itself

Like I said, I haven't played strategy games but I can tell Kingdom Classic is very simple. You manage one currency that is used for everything. Not counting vendors who aren't managed at all, there are only four 'units' and they mostly command themselves. You can order the knights a bit but that is it and direct builders where to construct but that is it.

This simplicity is what I enjoyed. I didn't feel overwhelmed with options or things to do. I don't mind complicated games but sometimes simplicity is also fun. I liked the feeling of expanding the kingdom

I will probably end up checking out the other Kingdom games at some point

Reviewed on Oct 08, 2023
