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This is right after me experiencing it, and I think I'd get more out of it the more I play it. But this is one of those games that really shakes the foundation of what a game can make you feel, and it played me like a fiddle. I was streaming this with a friend who was playing it, and I really related to a lot of the mundane day job stuff it was doing. It had a lot of attention to detail. I love how breaks felt really short, but when you have a good conversation with one of the characters they end up feeling longer. I feel like that's pretty true to life, and the game is full of little details like that. The game starts becoming really weird as it goes on, and it honestly started to lose me at that point. I was starting to get frustrated, and as this game doesn't have a save feature, I was scared it was going to go on for a long time. But I realize after the playthrough that's exactly what the game wanted me to feel. The main character is someone who enjoys the easy mundanity of work, which is a feeling I really relate with. So when the game becomes weird and labyrinthine. I think it's supposed to reflect what they are feeling in that moment. Everything is different, and you are forced into a situation you don't want to be in. It's frustrating and confusing. I've often felt like this at work. I like my more familiar tasks at work, and when I have to do something I don't do a lot or if I have to work with a new person. It ends up stressing me out in a way that's hard to describe. This game really nailed that kind of feeling through its gameplay, and that alone means a lot to me. And there's probably more I could get out of it on a second playthrough. The writing is layered in that way. Kind of like a Charlie Kaufman film. And it seems like the game has some fun secrets in it if you pay attention. Very great stuff.

Reviewed on Sep 03, 2022
