I see a lot of reviews rating this game in comparison to the first. I, as someone who never played the first, will be reviewing this on it's own with no preconceptions about what it could have been. My review is this: It's a solid double A post-apocalyptic action RPG. The parkour is the real standout, I had a lot of fun just jumping and swinging and climbing around. Chopping up zombies with modded weapons is also pretty fun, and the gore makes it feel satisfying. I'd say the story loses steam after the first third of the game, and if I'm being honest Lawan's character grated on me after awhile. The timed dialogue decisions you have to make definitely feel tense, but from what I saw I'm not sure how much those decisions really impacted the story one way or another. Some of the set pieces were really cool, like blowing up the windmill, climbing the VNC tower or any time Waltz chased you. The day/night mechanic was okay, but it was often frustrating to not be able to do a certain activity just because it wasn't the correct time of day, and to have to go find a bed somewhere, sleep, then go back to the activity. The game could be gorgeous at times, but the stiff bethesda-esque facial animations stilted some of the beauty, especially during cutscenes. Overall, a very solid game with a fun premise and great moments that isn't without it's flaws.

Reviewed on Oct 23, 2023
