This was my first playthrough of Cyberpunk. I waited to pick it up until after the 2.0 update, the release of Phantom Liberty, and after I finally got my hands on a 4080 graphics card so I could run it on ultra settings. What an experience this was!

- Night City is unforgettable. It is without a doubt the most fully-realized city I've ever experienced in any video game. I essentially forgot about the fast travel option because driving around the city was such a consistently awesome experience.
- The characters in this are fantastic, especially Johnny and Reed. Johnny and I formed a messed-up sort of friendship in my playthrough and the ending I received was an emotional gut-punch because of it.
- The cyberware system is so cool! I upgraded myself to be a double-jumping, air-dashing, lightning fast killer with mantis blades.

- Still slightly buggy after all this time unfortunately, but not to the extent it once was.
- V (I can only speak for male V) can be a little grating at times. At one point my character unironically said "amazeballs" and I about spit out my drink.
- Seeing the same NPC 5 times within a few feet of one another is pretty immersion breaking, but it doesn't happen that often and I suppose its necessary in order to fill a virtual city with people.

Reviewed on Dec 17, 2023
