Aggressors is an interesting little fighting game. Allowing for 8-direction movement, it feels more like a competitive beat-em-up than a traditional 2D fighting game, but because of that ends up requiring more focus on spacing and blocking. It even includes environmental items like a solid beat-em-up, allowing players to wield bats, molotovs, and pipes to deal damage (lower than their original attack amounts in nearly all cases).

The game rewards creative play very little, instead encouraging heavy turtling and near constant special move usage, making it often feel plodding and unexciting.

However, two cool choices were the extra sprite effects, which allow sweat, steam, and other marks of exhaustion to appear as you fight, and the overall small size of this game, which saves it from being entirely frustrating or boring.

Overall it feels generic and overly similar to other SNK fighters from the period, but is lacking most of the character that made those games hits. Especially considering this title came out the same year as King of Fighters '94, Windjammers, and Samurai Shodown II, three of the company's highest regarded and most dynamic games at the time.

Reviewed on Aug 27, 2022
