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If you're looking for Ridge Racer for 4 players, you're in luck! Otherwise 64 is probably the weakest entry in the series unless you value more content over historic context. This acts as a compilation game of sorts for tracks from the original PS1 pair of Ridge Racer and RR Revolution, along with a couple new tracks that are alright but noticeably worse.

My biggest annoyance with this one is "progressive collisions", where crashes aren't supposed to sap speed instantly like traditional RR. Oftentimes this means you'll crash into a wall without knowing how to steer given what direction it'll give you traction again isn't clear at all. Other times, cars hitting you from behind can literally phase through you, making you hit them and slow down in the process. Thankfully you can change collisions to work like in Revolution, making the game a lot more playable imo.

For a racing game with 8 tracks, the campaign structure will make or break the game. This one is really monotonous, with a long checklist of races that unlocks cars and new tracks as you fill it out. Once you get to the end, it asks you to repeat the whole thing at the highest speed class for who knows what. I got the devil car and can get the angel if I feel like it, I'll call that done enough and probably not think much on this one again.