Hype is one hell of a thing. Exhibit A is this game, which has been elevated to that almost unreachable realm of masterpieces after getting an English fan translation. And I don't think it quite deserves it. 

Don't get me wrong, I think Boku no Natsuyasumi 2 is a very cute little game, but that's pretty much all it is. You can fish, catch bugs, swim, and explore parts of this island, talking with its inhabitants and getting to know them better until they completely open up to you. The stories are all super well written, and they are all common enough in real life that I'm sure players will at least connect with one of them. But that being said, neither the stories nor the character developments are truly remarkable or groundbreaking.

Where this game excels is in its vibes; its presentation perfectly conveys what being a kid in Japan circa 1970 would have been like, and it reflects Japanese culture quite well, featuring tons of their unique traditions. It's a time capsule on video game format, and it does a fantastic job being that. 

That being said, looking back, I don't think the 17 or so hours I put into the game were really worth it; there's just so many games to play and so little time that, as cute as Boku no Natsuyasumi 2 was, It just didn't quite rock my world. It also didn't help the fact that the pace is quite slow and there are days in which there's nothing particularly interesting to do.

I'd say, try it for yourself. It's a very unique experience, and I'm sure some people would fall in love with its small yet cozy world. Maybe you'd like it more than I did; just don't get your expectations as high as I did.

Reviewed on Apr 05, 2024


1 month ago

if you're playing a game like bokunatsu thinking about other stuff your brain is probably rotten from consumerism tbh.
this game isn't made for you to binge it, and it's not made to have a deep story or anything

1 month ago

@mamiya omg my first hater comment: hello! I made it! I didn't binge the game, in fact, I played it in short sessions over the course of two months, so, oops, there goes your argument. 
Sorry, but having beaten over 800 games in my life, i don't think this is anything special. Deal with it.

1 month ago

Is the slow pace suppose to be a negative? What were you expecting?

1 month ago

@Willemr What exactly didn't you understand? -━ I'm complaining that there's days in which there's quite literally nothing to do, you can't progress in the stories, your cousins don't have beetles to battle, new bugs won't appear, and the doctor won't be in the clinic, so you can't give him a massage. For a game that's supposed to be all about exploring and interacting with their
environment, there's really not much to do sometimes.

Also, a 3.5 stars, or a 7/10 score is a possitive one, by the way

1 month ago

@Devyatto First of all, everyday except the second and third has something important to do. Hikari’s fortune-telling will always give you the location of where a side-event or main story event will take place. Second, in my opinion, that's kind of the point. As a kid you have so much free time it's difficult to find what to do with it. The joy in Boku No Natsuyasumi for me is the mundaness and just relaxing by enjoying the visuals and sounds.
Also I understand that three and a half stars rating is good.

1 month ago

@devyatto i'm not a hater tbh it's just kinda silly to expect something grandiose out of this game yk.. people like bokunatsu for the same reason people enjoy animal crossing and stuff. imo the main plot is interesting if ur invested in the characters, it was a fun ride.

1 month ago

@mamiya So, what. Should I give it 5 stars because it's simple? because it has simple mechanics, simple stories, and simple characters? Because it's not trying to be something more? Should I call it a 10 out of 10 game simply because it's cute and cozy? I've seen better-written characters, heard a better score, and played better games. Also, telling "my brain is probably rotten" sounds like a pretty hater line to me, lol

1 month ago

@Willemr The beauty of visuals and sounds does wear off once you spend 17 hours going to the same places and doing the exact same things, plus there's barely anything to interact with, and once you've finished everyone's story line, characters are just kinda there. Shallow is the word I'd use; the game becomes shallow in the final stretch. If the point is to just relax and enjoy the visuals, then let me tell you that I did. For the first 10 hours or so. It's a cute game, and I did like it; I just don't understand why I should call it a masterpiece.