Beyond 2 souls is better and worse than its predecessor even tho its massively overshadowed by it. The acting is superb in comparison to heavy rain with Ellen paige giving a believable performance as jody the sole protagonist this time around allowing greater focus than any of heavy rains characters got. Willem dafoe and assistant stand out as supporting members and the rest are enjoyable in there small parts. The story is told in a timeline jumping fashion which keeps u guessing but also impacts how little impact your choices have until near the end as choices affect that chapter and not many others. The gameplay is also better with the only failing being the quicktime events without prompts being hard to judge. Aiden adds a lot to the gameplay and the puzzles involving him are the best gameplay sequences over the 2 games imo. There's one really long section about 3/4s through that feels overly long and out of place, even with the fact it leads to an important event after the fact. The story is interesting and enjoyable but the supernatural tale pales in comparison to the murder mystery in heavy rain but that's down to personal preference of genre. Overall I prefer heavy rain slightly but it's worth a playthrough

Reviewed on Aug 02, 2021
