Progress note ( 84% in game, 92% trophies) I must admit this was my first experience with far cry so I'm a little late to the party. I was expecting a checklist open world game which I have found stale in recent years and while that was exactly what I got, it's the execution that impressed and surprised me. The story is corny but enjoyable with zany characters like hurk and the excellent Vaas who may or may not know the definition of insanity. The main character of Jason is portrayed laughably at times but is far better than having a completely blank slate character. The open world and gameplay loop are the main attraction here however. There are lots of activities and collectibles sprinkled everywhere. The brilliance is that everything you do rewards you in some way. radio towers unlock portions of the map, guardposts act as fast travel points once you clear them and side quests/collectibles reward you with exp that you can spend on worthwhile upgrades in the skilltrees. Hunting the wildlife will also provide you with equipment upgrades like an extra holster or larger wallet and the animals won't hesitate to fight back so be careful. The gunplay while a bit finicky is solid enough to make you feel like a badass as you tear through enemies. Some of the camps have animals trapped that you can set loose some have watchtowers that you can commandeer, these scenarios along with the large arsenal of weapons creates a very fun sandbox to play with. The story missions are also varied and some stand out missions in the middle and the end elevate the campaign and keep you engaged throughout. In conclusion my ferrary through the rook islands was a great romp filled with crazy moment after crazy moment and I can't wait to give the rest of the series a go

Reviewed on Aug 02, 2021
