After finishing devil may cry 2 and writing the review I decided to give the original another go and am I glad I did. The story is corny but there's enough character moments and motivation to make the story enjoyable and doesn't hurt that the funniest video game delivery ever is in this game. As for the combat it's incredibly fun. The 3 main weapons all have a basic combo, a 2nd combo if you delay in hitting the attack button at the right time and a variety of unlockable moves in the shop. The game has real challenge and that makes the enemies fun to fight and allow you to experiment with your arsenal. The guns also have good variety and allow you to extend combos. The challenge in the game makes spending orbs on new moves and not items a gamble which adds consequence to how you spend your orbs. The island the game takes place gives RE vibes at least from what I have seen of them (haven't played RE yet) and exploring it picking up items to unlock more areas scratches a metoridvania itch and finding secret missions to get health upgrades makes it worth it to explore. The boss fights are also a lot of fun which is good as you fight all of them but the final boss 2 to 3 times. This may sound like a bad thing but they do a good job of making each fight a build of the last fight and I enjoy all but the 2nd last boss that has far to many attacks with little tells. The music is enjoyable but not all that memorable. The few complaints I have is that the water level while short is incredibly tedious and having to hold r1 to shoot and dodge roll makes the game show it's age. In conclusion DMC is a lot of fun if you look for the depth within the combat system, the bosses are tight and exploring the castle is a lot of fun. The game shows it age in places but if you can get past that you are in for a stylish time

Reviewed on Aug 02, 2021
