Portal is a simple game, deceptively simple at times build around a genius set of mechanics to create physic based puzzles that are satisfying to solve as the game gives you everything you need and eases you in at the begining. Placing one portal with a left click and the exit portal with a right click is a simple concept but the way it is utilised here keeps you on your toes throughout the campaign and had me anticipating every challenge. The game's writing is it's second biggest strength glados has become legendary for good reason as the wit present always put a smile on my face. The portals are the games bread and butter and it never deviates from them. There are no gimmicks present for better or worse which leads to it's consistent but short run time. The game took about four hours on my first run but after finishing it I just wanted more. Unfortunately the games advanced labs are just harder versions of the same puzzles present in the campaign and while the challenges on each room may appeal to some it didn't appeal to me. That being said those fours hours were a joy as the gratification gained from playing portals in the right place and clearing the puzzles is incredibly satisfying. Portal is undoubtedly a great game that anyone with even remote interest in physic based puzzles should play. It's a brilliant foundation but there's room to build and it seems like valve thought the same thing

Reviewed on Aug 04, 2021
