It takes two is one of the most fun Co-op games I have had the pleasure of playing. The game is joyful to play as each level brings unique mechanics and environments to explore. The vareity is truley astounding as the gameplay shifts genres entirely at times and always keeps you on your toes hungry for what is next. At times sections tend to drag on a little longer than they should but even that feeling doesnt last all to long. The minigames sprinkled in also adds greatly to the game as it allows for even more fun creative experiences to be had with those we love. That's what this game does best it it's scather brain nature might hinder a single player game but in multiplayer it is perfect as it allows us to create beautiful memories that we may never forget. The story while a bit overbearing and cringy at times it really comes into its own closer to the end and the deep message behind it is heartfelt. It takes two is a phenominal game that anyone with a partner with any interest in games should play and I can't wait to play what hazelight makes next.

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2022
