Strikers charged is chaotic and charming at every turn. The gameplay is frantic with crazy items, fun level gimmicks and filled with characters with specific skills making each choice important. Each character would have its own duke with the ball whether they teleported forward, jumped in the air or unleashed a heavy attack along with their different stats leads to many different permutations to consider. The captain and sidekicks you chose really impacts your strategy as well as your opponents. The game is at its best in multiplayer but has single player content in the form of a tournament mode and smash bros like events. The thing that I love most however is the presentation of the characters. Each character has its own theme that plays when they score, concede multiple goals and win a match. The variety in genres used is astounding and makes me never want to skip a goal replay. The games one weakness is that it may be to chaotic for its own good as applying stratagems can be tough with the over the top items, multiple scoring mega strikes, and game changing level gimmicks such as both teams losing characters after every goal and a storm that can blow characters away. But with that being said the game always makes me smile and I would have it no other way.

Reviewed on Jun 06, 2022
