Great story but ultimately a bit eh in terms of gameplay. Grew to be quite tired of being on Koboh constantly when the planet itself isn't that interesting. The customisation is far more open than Fallen Order but is also less interesting? So an odd tradeoff for me personally. Exploration is less interesting as a result because you're often just collecting paint sets rather than cool cosmetics

The arachnaphobia filter is nice but works on an enemy that wouldn't've bothered me anyway, whereas the Caterpillar type enemies that jump at you were unaffected by the filter, so not a great exprience there.

The new Stances are nice but I feel like it's poorly implemented, with mods giving you a radial menu to pick out styles rather than having to pick them at the Dark Souls Bonfires. As a result I barely used anything but the Single/Double Stances returning from FO.

Can't really talk about the Windows release of Survivor without addressing the horrible performance. I think Gollum might've run better at points, really disappointing as PC is my only real choice for gaming. I hope EA actually pull their finger out and fix it.

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2024
