I don't think this did as much story-wise for me as Wind Waker. There are some emotional beats here and there, but the overall plot is not as strong as I had hoped? I wish the adventurers who hang out at the bar were more relevant. All of them were criminally underutilized in the mirror questline.

Dungeon design is very tight. I was actually surprised with how little there was to do in the actual overworld. You mostly go from point A to point B in order to slaughter the villain of the week. The actual puzzles and structuring for dungeons are very good, but that's just how Zelda games usually go. Nothing to complain about here.

Capitalizing on the 2000s era of edgy gaming was a decision that hasn't aged the best in my opinion. The lighting, especially in the forced twilight areas look horrendous at times. They really went all out with the "piss filter" as I like to call it. If you like washed out colours and several shades of yellow, this game is for you.

It's a fairly large game so I won't comment on every aspect of it. Wolf link was fine. Most of this was extremely well designed and worthwhile but this is far from my favourite 3D Zelda. It's all a bit bland for me when you compare it to everything else Nintendo has put out.

Reviewed on Sep 30, 2023
