I came into this expecting a fine ol' shitpost. What I got was a game with a pretty interesting setup, good gunplay, and plenty of crude humor. I hesitate rating it any higher but its genuinely fun at times. The setup is that you have a list of chores that need done, and you can choose the order to do em' in. You can even go loud and kill the grocery store manager to avoid paying or wait in line. Sort of like an immersive sim, except some chores toss you in scripted events so not really. It has a surprising amount of depth, with there being no restraint on what you can do in between them. There's also no restraint on its humor, although most of it isn't any worse than an episode of South Park. Im sure when I'm in my 20's the humor will wear off and I'll have a more objective look. Overall, I wouldn't rush to play this. But if you have 3 bucks burning a hole in your pocket, try it out. Worst case scenario, you head over to the workshop and download a bunch of mods!

Reviewed on Jun 21, 2024
