Certainly Yoko Taro's worst work, Drakengard 3 drops the ball both in terms of story and gameplay in nearly every aspect. Anyone interested in Taro's work could find value in Drakengard 1 with its bold, unique storytelling, despite the fact that the gameplay necessary to experience it is grueling and incredibly repetitive. Drakengard 3 on the other hand has little to no payoff for the cost of gameplay that is, again, grueling and incredibly repetitive, but also runs like absolute garbage on a PS3. The weapon variety is an illusion, with there being about two subtypes of each weapon type, 90% of which I recommend you ignore in favor of using a good spear to make the experience less painful. Your average level consists of killing hallways and rooms filled with enemies that pose little to no challenge and are often more irritating than anything else and then arriving at a larger room to kill a boss you've already fought six times. The story is nonsense at worst and leaves you with the sense that it could have been more at best. The game was clearly rushed in development; lack of optimization, repetitive "level design", and a story that leaves a dozen characters underdeveloped and a thousand questions unanswered makes that clear. The player is led to believe that the protagonist simply doesn't have a reason to be committing any of the actions that she does until the final act where it's revealed that she's doing it to save the world, but never is it explained why she told no one this or why she is a vitriolic, bloodthirsty psychopath regardless of the fact that her quest necessitates that she kill five people, yes, only five people. Drakengard 1's protagonist is a mute murderer who kills because he is a bad person tunnel visioned on one solution to his problems. He is an anti-hero. The player is supposed to recognize that his actions, and therefore the player's actions, are evil and unnecessary. His saving the world by the end is not of his own accord, it is something that he stumbles into on accident. Conversely, the player is supposed to believe that Drakengard 3's Zero is a good person for the things she has done when she has done one singular, redeemable thing in possibly the worst way. If you must play this game, I have two things to say to you. Firstly, play it on an emulator. Secondly, you will leave this game having gained nothing but an appreciation for Yoko Taro's OTHER games. Do not expect to enjoy this experience because you will be sorely disappointed. For anyone who has finished this game, I commend you.

The final boss is unironically awesome, one of very few things that this game has to offer.

Reviewed on Jul 06, 2022
