Overall the overarching story peaks in Act 1 and fails to live up for the rest. The Challenge Mission get progressly worse and honestly I gave up getting the Ultimate score due to there literally ebing no reason or motivation to, same with any Bonus Objectives in the Enemy bases.

EP-1: The Heist - 9/10 A fantastic(and weirdly horny) continuation of the events of the main game, I was really engadged in this story and the side missions were really cool.
EP-2: TURF WAR - 6/10 The Heist would have been hard to fallow up on but damn, and Post game really started sucked here too with obscene challenges.
EP-3: SIPVER LININGS - 7/10 While still not living up to The Heist is an alight conclusion. The ending itslef kind stunk though, and after the credits roll the rest of the game was alright, although nither this or 'Turf War' will really stick with me in the same way Part 1 has.

Reviewed on Jun 25, 2021
