I spent about an entire year just constantly thinking about how much I hate this generation of Pokemon. It was so bad that it stopped me from ever even trying to play new games. Recently I spent 3 days to replay this game to see if it was really as bad as I thought it was, and it is. I hated so many aspects of this game that upon my last playthrough, I rediscovered a multitude of bad parts I had previously forgotten about. Even on an emulator with speed up, this game is an absolute slog to get thru, with no way to skip any cutscene no matter how big or small. The game tries to have emotional moments, but none of them feel earned because of how in-your-face the entire story is. The first time I played og Sun, I thought i liked Lillie. After just one replay of this region, I'm absolutely sick of even seeing her. Team Skull was also butchered for no reason other than to have the most obvious plot twist known to mankind, which is such a letdown since Guzma is one of, if not the best trainer design in the entire series. After XY and ORAS constructed the best online experience for Pokemon to date, for some ungodly reason they completely scrapped the PSS and replaced it with the Festival Plaza, which is one of my worst nightmares. One praise I do hold for this generation is that it added a lot of cool new Pokemon, but the game does absolutely everything in its power to make sure you don't use them because so many of them are so rare for no reason. Another sin that this game has is making the entire Rainbow Rocket arc postgame only. The marketing cleverly made it seem like it would be part of the main story, which is probably why so many people bought this game after already buying the original Sun/Moon. I've beaten this game twice and both times I was so burnt out from playing the main story that I could not be fucked to even try getting to the Rainbow Rocket story, which is a bummer since its probably the only thing that could've been worthwhile in this game. This game is so poorly put together and thought thru that it's turned me off from the future of Pokemon, because I see so many problems that originated from this game still seep into areas of SwSh, that I'm just done with this series, and this game is to blame.

Reviewed on Dec 05, 2020
