Very addicting and hard to put down. If you're into turn-based tactics, you should play this.
It's also perfect for the Steam Deck; I won't be uninstalling it from mine any time soon.

Update, 80 hours after writing my initial review: this game is phenomenal. Very rarely does it feel like the game's rogue-lite randomization causes me to lose a run or take a lot of grid damage; and even in those cases it's most likely my own fault for not sufficiently planning ahead. The combat puzzle is brilliantly designed and deceptively complex. Allow the game to welcome you into the rules on Easy mode, finish a few runs, then bump up the difficulty to Normal and watch the magic happen - both with the game itself and within your own mind as you gradually reshape the way you play (by necessity).

Marking it as Shelved here, because I definitely plan on returning to it at some point in the future.

Reviewed on Mar 22, 2024
