Version: PS4
System: PS5

I’m glad I was finally able to play this game and experience the thing everyone loved about it, the story. The Last of Us is one of the few video games that attempts AND succeeds at telling a good story with realistic characters. The performances here are simply top notch, with the actors actually making it seem like these characters are real and not AI-generated robots. The whole concept is great too, and I think Naughty Dog’s take on a realistic zombie apocalypse is clever and interesting. The only part where this game unfortunately falters a bit is the gameplay. It’s far from bad, and can be quite enjoyable sometimes but by the end of the game I was really starting to get tired of it. It’s a pretty basic cover-shooter/stealth type gameplay, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but still this is one of those games where you play for the story and world first and the gameplay second. But despite that, I still really loved this game, and while I know many people despised the sequel, I’m hoping I can enjoy that one too.

9 / 10.

Reviewed on Jun 14, 2023
