I distinctly remember playing this game and being enthralled by it, but feeling sort of confused by how bitter it was. I went to the reviews and found a comment talking about how "It made me upset, yes, but it didn't change anything about my life."

That review stuck with me a lot. Lynne is a game that is a very realistic and relatable depiction of what its like to be mentally ill and live in a place that staunches any improvement, but that's about where it ends. I don't think that's bad, per say, I think it's good, but it also had a very strong impact on my creative writing because of the negative review I read about it as a kid.

This game is very important to me in a sort of round-a-bout way, and it'll always have a special place in my heart. I enjoy the comfort of seeing myself at my worst in someone else and being able to empathize, but that criticism sticks in the back of my brain and always will.

Good game . I will remember you forever Lynn

Reviewed on Jun 10, 2024
