This is an incredibly frustrating game. I wish I could sing the praise of it, cause yeah, the writing is fluffy and cute and pleasant, the combat is fun and interesting (if a bit easy in most places), the UI does some cool Persona-like stuff, and the whole game is full of that kind of low-budget ps360-era plucky jank that gives it a specific underdog charm... problem is it. just. won't. stop. being. extremely. gross. about. its. high-schooler. protagonists.

Like, seriously. I love the low-stakes high-school shenanigans Blue Reflection is built around. They're pleasant and nice and as well written as something like that can be. But it very much grosses me out when the camera won't stop staring at these kids' asses, while said high-school shenanigans take place.

It would already be eye-rolly and off-tone if the characters were adults. But it's just gross when they're high school students. Especially because this is not just a couple of unfortunate shots, the whole game is filled with SO much of this bullshit. It's gross and creepy and bad and honestly infuriating, because it just gets in the way of what would, otherwise be, a fairly pleasant game.

I dunno, I just want a fun fluffy low-stake magical girl jrpg that's not constantly trying to gross me out and embarrass me for liking it.

This game makes me sad.

Reviewed on Jul 05, 2023


10 months ago

Blue Reflection seems like one of those games that looks like it could be "for girls" but then you play it and its completely degenerative. As an adult now i dont even take a second glance at these teenage protag anime games, but a kid could potentially buy and play this and that makes me sad. Really concerning that stuff like this is just out there and no one feels like addressing it as a major issue in games ):

10 months ago

@moschidae The game is rated 16+ for what its worth. It's very frustrating cause honestly, 90% of the game would really work as a janky cutesy magical girl thing. Like it's not just that the gross stuff is gross, but it also feels completely off-tone with the rest of the game.