The gameplay was a gigantic step up from Bayonetta 1, but I feel like the first game had way more personality than this one, especially Bayonetta herself, who I feel like lost a lot of her charm in this game. Don't get me wrong, the cinematic aspects, the soundtrack, and again the gameplay were all absolutely incredible, it is objectively a better game than the first, but I rarely found myself laughing or really enjoying the story & characters like I did while I was playing Bayonetta 1, and I miss that a lot.

This game is awesome but I hope whoever designed that missile level lost his job and got banned from ever working with platinum games again

Huge steaming pile of garbage. The game is impossible to enjoy without initially sinking ~60 hours into it, only around half of the guns in the game are actually viable, the players are beyond insufferable, and the anticheat is an actual virus, which PERMANENTLY slowed down my PC, and uninstalled my keyboard & mouse’s softwares. The mind-numbing gameplay consists of nothing more than either holding one angle for god knows how long, or two players peeking back and forth from that same angle, only describable as being like Footsies in fighting games if the characters didn’t have legs. The worst part is the players’ reaction if you try to deviate from the brain-rotting meta and have the AUDACITY to try and have fun. One time I was playing ranked with my cousin in the same room, and I was so sick of the fucking yoo-hoo gameplay that i ran into the bomb site, immediately got sniped, and my cousin got up and roundhouse kicked me in the head. 0/10 would rate lower if I could.