"Furry" refers to a subculture interested in anthropomorphic animal characters, which are animals with human characteristics such as walking on two legs, wearing clothes, and displaying human emotions and behaviors. Here are a few key points about the furry fandom:

Art and Literature: The furry fandom is rich in art, literature, and other creative expressions. Artists and writers create works featuring anthropomorphic animals, and these works are often shared at conventions, online, and in specialized publications.

Fursuits: Some members of the furry community enjoy creating and wearing fursuits, which are costumes that represent their chosen anthropomorphic animal character. These suits can range from simple to highly elaborate and detailed.

Conventions: Furry conventions are gatherings where fans come together to celebrate their interest in anthropomorphic animals. These events often include panels, workshops, art shows, and social activities. Popular conventions include Anthrocon, Midwest FurFest, and Furry Weekend Atlanta.

Online Communities: The furry fandom has a strong online presence, with many websites, forums, and social media groups dedicated to sharing artwork, stories, and connecting with other fans.

Personal Expression: For many, being part of the furry community is a form of personal expression and identity. Members often create "fursonas," which are anthropomorphic animal characters that represent themselves. These fursonas can be used in role-playing, art, and social interactions.

If you have specific questions or want to know more about a particular aspect of the furry fandom, feel free to ask!

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