(Review originally written on April 26th, 2021. Currently reorganizing journal)

This is my least favorite DLC from Mass Effect 3, but even then it's still good. In this DLC, you cannot use any of your party members from the main game. Instead, you get to use two temporary party members within the DLC and it's a nice addition. You get to use Aria T'Loak, returning character from Mass Effect 2 and the other is the first ever female turian we see in the series, Nyreen Kandros. They're both very distinct in combat with very unique and fun abilities to play around with. Taking back Omega in Mass Effect 3 is a really fun story set up and choosing whether or not throughout the DLC whether or not you want to encourage Aria's cruel methods or conflict against them offers for an interesting dynamic that can influence Aria's actions in the ending.

One of the reasons why this is my least favorite DLC is how it relies too heavily on the gameplay to carry it since that's the bulk of the DLC. While it's obviously really fun and the context behind each firefight makes for a satisfying conclusion, it's a bit drawn out sometimes. Though I do like how the DLC introduced new enemy types to keep encounters fresh.

Nyreen Kandros is an interesting character and I honestly like her. Her past with Aria and how she represents the DLCs Paragon choices as apposed to Aria's more Renegade behavior is a very interesting dynamic that I honestly really like. However, Nyreen is unfortunately a wasted opportunity of a character. While I did enjoy her, the story made a poor decision with her that made me very disappointed. You'll probably know once you end up playing the DLC.

The main villain, Petrsovsky, was surprisingly decent. He does come across as very generic in the beginning when you meet him, but toward the end the DLC throws a bit of a curveball at you and shows an interesting side to him that you wouldn't have normally expected. It also ends up leaving an interesting final choice for the player, or depending on how you've been talking to Aria within the DLC, your dialogue toward her could influence her in different ways. The DLC even brings back class specific choices and opportunities which is something rare to the series in general, but it's a welcome addition.

Overall, the DLC is good. It does suffer from being pretty formulaic in terms of its level design, but it still manages to be relatively fun. Especially because of Aria and Nyreen which are fun to command in combat. The story is overall pretty good and the reward for doing the DLC is pretty great. Again, definitely the weakest out of the main story DLC, but still good and worth a play.


Reviewed on May 04, 2021
