(Review originally written on May 2nd, 2021. Currently reorganizing journal)

Leviathan is a fantastic DLC. Not only is it fun obviously, but it takes a great approach that reminds me of a sort of detective noire kind of tone to it all that works really well. In between the missions there are parts where you hang out in a laboratory trying to narrow down the location of Leviathan. The set up for the story also does a good job of establishing a narrative hook. Shepard meets with a scientist who tells him there have been rumors of a so called "Reaper killer", and whatever killed a reaper is worth tracking down.

While the DLC does have a really good detective noire kind of tone to it, its other tone is even better as it takes a lot of inspiration from the works of H.P. Lovecraft. The Leviathan's ability to mind control reminds me of something that Cthulhu or maybe some other entity created by Lovecraft. This DLC embraces the cosmic horror of the Reapers and Leviathan.

One thing I always praise when it comes to Mass Effect 3 is the party member interaction and in this DLC, there's no shortage of that. You'll always have your party members interacting with each other, providing advice and their own personal thoughts, bickering, and surprisingly even some new dialogue with whoever you're in a relationship with. Not once does the writing feel like a drop in quality or do the characters feel neglected.

The level design in this DLC is a lot different than what you'd usually see within the main story surprisingly. While linear of course, it's still really fun and takes a different approach with its pacing and even provides for a very unique underwater section. It's pretty great.

This DLC is a great addition to what Mass Effect 3 has to offer with its main story, while not something what DLC should aspire to be, it's definitely a worthwhile and fantastic experience that the game would not feel complete without.


Reviewed on May 04, 2021
