This HD update is pretty strong. I always felt the EGA colour palette was kind of gross so updating Monster Bash's graphics makes the visuals very definitive. The audio is left alone, which is good since the music and SFX were always pretty good.

This HD remake changes up how you approach the game's campaigns. Instead of going through each episode in a string, taking with you the amount of lives you have from one level to the next, you instead select the level from the menu and lives are infinite. I miss the lives system and the stakes of having to survive a whole episode. Plus, the removal of a lives system renders the Johnny pickups as more points to collect in a game with already a lot of collectibles. The switch up, though, was probably the right idea.

The inclusion of the level editor and Steam workshop support is pretty neat. It has a lot of features too although I haven't dabbled too deeply into it.

Reviewed on Sep 24, 2023
